Celebrating Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversity is an important part of who we are. As Catholics we believe we are all children of God no matter where we come from in the world.
“A person’s body is one thing, but it has many parts. Yes, there are many parts to a body, but all those parts make only one body. Christ is like that too” - 1 Corinthians 12:12
We have many different ethnicities in our school, which are celebrated widely through a range of cultural activities and events. We value the cultural capital our students bring with them and promote and celebrate each child’s language, culture and identity through inquiry, curiosity and reciprocity.
We ensure that students have the opportunity to learn about their heritage, understand their traditions and examine their own beliefs and values. This allows us to extend their understanding of each other, growing compassionate, empathetic citizens of the future.
Our school proudly celebrates many different Language Weeks across the year. We have a wonderful Kapa Haka group who have participated in the Te Kotuku Cultural Festival for the last few years and our students enjoy regular Te Reo lessons. We also integrate our RE curriculum by celebrating our wonderfully diverse cultures during Pentecost.