Our Staff
Leadership and Teaching Structure
Promoting Student Pathways for Learning
The purpose of our teams is to build learner agency through an evaluative culture;
Collaborative Inquiry for learning
Creation of new knowledge and learning in authentic and relevant ways
Connections between year levels to promote seamless transition through school
Communication to accelerate learning pathways
The Leadership Team is focused on collaborative and distributive leadership of the key areas of action in our learning community.
Our Team collaborates with a spirit of love, empathy, understanding, equity, developing relationships, being open to other cultures and beliefs; promoting lifting standards and promoting high expectations.
Principal - Sue Kubala
Deputy Principal/SENCO - Hellene Varoy
Director of Religious Studies - Charmaine D'lima
Year 5-6 Learning Community Leader- Maree Flashman
Year 3-4 Learning Community Leader - Vicki Hyland
Year 0-2 Learning Community Leader- Sarah Nelisi
Gifted and Talented (GATE) - Maree Flashman
Cultural - Jade Owen
Wellbeing - Alisha Hutton
Sustainability - Jessie Ahearn
Year 5-6 Learning Community
Year 3-4 Learning Community
Year 0-2 Learning Community
Mid-Year intake
(Open date TBC)
Room 13
Specialist Teachers and Release Teachers
Amanda Stefadouros
Release Teacher
Brooke Lunjevich
Release Teacher
Charlotte James
Release Teacher
Mary Bowden
Release Teacher
Support Staff
Amanda Tolley
Learning Assistant
Brenda Clews
Learning Assistant / Library
Catherine Jones
Principal's PA / Administration
Debbie Tepania
Learning Assistant
Laura Baker
School Secretary
Martin Edmonds
Caretaker/ Groundsman
Nina Holding
Learning Assistant
Rachael Board
Learning Assistant