Language of Learning

Our Learning Philosophy

"An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge" Proverbs 18:15

We believe that when learners understand what they are capable of and what they need to learn next, they achieve greater success. We are going through a process of deepening our culture of learning at St Mary's Catholic School through the concept of Assessment for Learning. This is the idea that learners who truly understand and are involved in their learning have accelerated rates of achievement.

Assessment-capable learners know what they need to learn, where they are with that learning and what their next learning steps are. Our teachers are working to develop a genuine view of both the students and of themselves as learners. They must build their own capacity, and also enable learners to build theirs, for learning to learn.

Our teachers are committed to developing 'Assessment for Learning' classrooms which focus on the following:

  • Building learning focused relationships
  • Ensuring shared clarity with students about what is to be learnt
  • Gathering and using assessment information effectively
  • Giving effective feedback to students
  • Facilitating student self and peer assessment
  • Reflection on learning - student and teacher
  • Shared clarity with students about their next learning steps

A whole school progressive approach to learning ~ our long term plan;

STEP 1 - Learners enter school at New Entrant Level. At this age they are taught the essential basics in single classrooms and one teacher. They are able to focus on learning routines, build relationships and gain knowledge and understanding of essential literacy and numeracy requirements.

STEP 2 -Learners move upstairs to Rooms 10, 11 and 12. At this stage the focus remains on the essential basics, but with more emphasis on our Learner Habits. Learners are taught in a collaborative environment, making best use of space, technologies and collaborative pedagogies. They will be taught skills and competencies which develop their ability to work independently, make wise choices for themselves and others, increase their ability to be assessment capable and take ownership of their own learning.

STEP 3 - Learners move into their middle years in primary school, which is a Bring Your Own Device learning environment. They will be able to use the competencies developed at STEP 2, in order to optimize the blended learning opportunities afforded at STEP 3. They will be taught to develop digital citizenship and technological literacies, incorporating the use of ICT into learning programmes as a tool to enhance learning.

STEP 4 -Learners move into Year 5 and 6, where they build further upon their key competencies and academic focus to carry out learning with an inquiry focus, in preparation for college requirements.